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OTC Terminal Product Series

【Drug Name】:Berberine Hydrochloride Tablets

【Chinese Phonetics】:YAN SUAN XIAO BO JIAN PIAN

【English Name】:Berberine Hydrochloride Tablets


【Ingredients】Each tablet contains 0.1 g of the main component berberine hydrochloride. The auxiliary materials are: corn starch, magnesium stearate, and hydroxypropyl cellulose. 
【Description】This product is a yellow piece. 
【Category of Action】 This product is a non-prescription drug for laxatives. 
【Indications】For intestinal infections such as gastroenteritis. 
【Strength】0.1 g. 
【Usage and Dosage】Oral, Adult: 1-3 tablets at a time, 3 times a day; the dosage for children is as follows: 
1-3 10-15 0.5-1 3 times a day
4-6 16-21 1-1.5
7-9 22-27 1.5-2
10-12 28-32 2-2.5

【Adverse Reaction】Less oral adverse reactions, occasionally nausea, vomiting, rash and drug fever, disappeared after stopping the drug. 
【Contraindications】Patients with hemolytic anemia and patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency are banned. 
1. Use with caution in the first 3 months of pregnancy. 
2. If you take too much or have serious adverse reactions, seek medical attention immediately. 
3. For those who are allergic to this product, those with allergies should be used with caution. 
4. It is forbidden to use when the trait of this product changes. 
5. Keep this product out of the reach of children. 
6. Children must be under the supervision of an adult. 
7. If you are using other medicines, please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product.
【Drug Interactions】 
1. After the combination of Chinese herbal medicine containing tannin and this product, since the tannin is an alkaloid precipitant, the combination of the two forms a poorly soluble citrate precipitate, which reduces the therapeutic effect. 
2. Drug interactions may occur if used in conjunction with other drugs. Consult your physician or pharmacist for details. 
【Pharmacological Action】This product has only a weak antibacterial effect on bacteria, but it is effective for intestinal infection caused by Shigella and Escherichia coli. 
【Storage】Shading, sealed and stored. 
【Package】Aluminum plastic packaging, 12 pieces / board X2 board / box. 
【The shelf life】36 months 
【Executive Standard】Chinese Pharmacopoeia(2015) Volume Ⅱ 
【Approval No.】GYZZ H35021063 
【Manufacturer】Fujian Pacific Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.